Hard learning pays back in the future

yeva USA
1 min readMay 26, 2021

My story is very short and most likely the boring one. I immigrated to a different country to “find” myself. As a person who loves reading, I always have struggled with math and logic. It's still the case nowadays; however, with closer touch to the technical world such as coding, I was able to identify myself with another way of thinking. As I am learning JavaScript, for example, I am diving into a world that I had never explored before. It will be a lie if I will say that it's easy. I am struggling every day on every coding challenge trying to understand rather I did a huge mistake and I should quit this now and go back to the carrier I was trying to pursue before. But sitting before the computer and working on those challenges makes me only more eager to solve them. It is difficult to explain why on one day I decided to try a coding challenge online and I liked it but I can tell for sure that my path in the coding world had only begun and I am nowhere near quitting.



yeva USA

Hello everyone! I am a student in full stuck code academy and a full time employee in medical office. Worked as animal rescue for some time.